Hello winter! The coldest season of them all, where trees and plants start to fray so when Spring comes they bloom again with more vibrant colours and produce.
Winter brings lots of things, here at Diar il- Bniet we celebrate with what ever comes along.
Winter Seasonal Menu is available at our restaurant, new dishes have been added and we are excited to get our customers feedback. What’s best than our ‘Kawlata bix- Xikel tal- Bejken’ – Vegetable soup with our own seasonal vegetables and smoked pork shank in this cold weather or maybe our Pan fried pork chops, seasonal tomato and fried egg to satisfy your appetite.
Diar il- Bniet’s estate is flourished with Winter produce, such as;
Oranges, Lemons, Mandarin, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Artichoke, Cabbage, Carrots, Spinach, Turnips, Marrows and many more.
Thank god for Winter as it brought some rain to the Maltese Islands and the lands were fed to produce.
This season we are celebrating our 3rd anniversary. We’ve come a long way since our opening in January 2014, and would like to keep building on our progress for years to come. As a present for our selfs and for you, we have launched our NEW WEBSITE.
This Website is designed and created for your to understand and get to know more who we are. Online shop is available for people who would like to taste our traditional delicatessen, jams and more. Our story which lets you see what we do, what’s our produce and also get to know the story behind our name. Blogs will be updated weekly with on going things which will be happening to us at the shop, estate and also will blog more informative things about argriculture and many more.
We couldn’t have done this without all our members of staff as well as our customers who have given us fantastic feedback and returned time and time again. Thank you to anyone who has been a part of it!